“Someday” never comes.
Find out about becoming a foster parent today.
Supporting families and kids
What is Fostering Colorado?
Foster Colorado (FC) is a statewide membership association of private child placement agencies licensed by the State of Colorado Department of Human Services. The association’s objectives are to improve the systems of foster and adoptive care by advancing practices that ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of children; improve outcomes and supports for children and their caregivers; and align public and private foster care regulations and practices to ensure fairness and equity.
FC member agencies represent a common goal, to provide each child in foster care the highest quality of care.

Fostering Isn’t What You Think It Is
Most of what people think of fostering isn’t the truth. Fostering isn’t about adopting orphans, it’s not a shortcut to building a family, and it’s not always long-term. Fostering is supporting families in transition, building up our communities, and reuniting families when possible. At Fostering Colorado, we are committed to debunking the myths of the foster care system and eliminating the silo effect through community, collaboration, shared resources, and education.